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L is for Lean – Get Trim In The New Year

Writer and expert11 years ago
View Laura's profile


We'll be the first to admit that 2013 hasn't been all that great for us fitness wise. We've been a bit lazy.

But one of our biggest resolutions this year is to get ourselves back in shape and more importantly, looking lean again before summer rolls around again.



Getting your body ready before you work out is essential to getting the most out of your exercise. Prepping muscles and upping your energy and hydration ensure that you don't cause yourself an injury or overexert yourself.

Pre Workout

Myprotein Pulse V4

Myprotein Pre:pare

Myprotein Exceed

Matt Roberts Pre-Workout



Lean Definition

Alongside your new training regime you need to be taking in the protein, minerals and energy providing nutrients that burn fat whilst building and forming definition within your muscles.


Myprotein Impact Diet Whey

Myprotein BCAA Branched Chain Amino Acids

Myprotein Green Tea Extract Powder

CLA 1000mg Softgels




Now that you've worked those muscles, you need to help them recover. Without doing this you could lead to your body becoming strained and sore. Ensure that you get the most out of your workout from start to finish with these recovery products from Mankind.


Myprotein Recovery Evo Complete Recovery

Kinetica Complete

Sci-MX Recovery Fuel

Myvitamins Complete Electrolytes




Writer and expert
View Laura's profile
Major fan of scented candles, Make Up brushes and Highlighter. I’m always on the hunt for those Holy Grail products and my dressing table is covered in more beauty products than I like to admit. As an adopted Northerner originally from Brighton, I spend most my days wondering what all this rain is about. My hair isn’t grateful for the move. Currently loving: NIOD Photography Fluid