I must admit that part of the attraction of the range is based on a boyish love of volcanoes (the products feature volcanic particles and mineral complexes). But the fact that they actually do what they say and are uber-stylish to look at certainly helps too. My personal favourites are the Regenerating Cream (which is fantastically nourishing and leaves skin in great condition) and the Scrubbing Mud which, as well as being effective, is brilliant fun because it’s jet black. It also contains volcanic scrubbing particles so fine that not a dead cell will remain unremoved nor will a pore remain unblocked after you’ve given you mush the once over with it. Until now the range has only been available in swanky shops like Selfridges, Harrods and Harvey Nicks but now you can buy it right here on Mankind and all get in on the act. I’ll expect a ‘tidal wave ‘of interest then (sorry!).