So we recently ran a Viviscal competition giving 5 lucky people the chance to win a stash of Viviscal supplements, shampoo and conditioners.
To win the competition each entry had to send in their best horror or funny hair stories to be in with a chance of winning.

Here are the winners and their hair stories:
James' Story:
In my very early twenties having just graduated, times were tough and I decided that it was a better idea to buy a pair of cheap clippers than continue paying for haircuts. So after a few weeks I decided my hair was getting a bit long and I'd trim the sides, thinking I could manipulate the clippers into cutting the ends of my hair like scissors. About 15 minutes later I thought it looked pretty impressive and was quite smug, so I took a look with a handheld mirror. To my horror, the clipper had cut about 4 patches in the side of my hair right down to the scalp on one side, with a few on the other side. I immediately turned to google for some kind of hair spray that covers up bald patches, in the style of 2am infomercials, finding it very difficult or relying on an american company who'd take 2 weeks to deliver.
Eventually deciding a professional could fix it, I had to do a walk of shame to a tube station, all the way to the next town (where I knew the place would be quiet from experience). This was made worse by the fact I had NO form of normal looking headgear, and as it was summer a bobble hat would probably look weirder than the bald patches. All I could do was cross the road if people came near or turn my head away. Eventually reaching the hairdresser, she immediately laughed in my face and the only solution was to cut my hard-grown hair to a grade zero all over, making me look like a thug. Having to turn up to my final day of uni the next morning with my new thug look didn't quite give the end to my education that I was looking for...and it took well over a year for it to grow back. I actually still have a tiny patch on the side of my head, which I'm sure is a permanent result of this incident!
Karl's Story:
When I was about 19 years old i bleached my hair a couple of times and then added some black slices which than ran and turned my hair a sky blue with navy blue slices, so out came the bleach again and once again it happened again. I then went round to the hair salon which my brothers friend used to own for advice so he took a look and said all he could do is put on a darker colour as he wouldn't want to chance ruin his professional image if my hair became damage, me being adamant on having blonde hair with black slices i said i'd think about it, then went to my friends house where she bleached my hair once again (4th time now) and she got it the colour i wanted an it didn't run! so i was happy, till the next day when i started coming out in chunks rom the crown!! So i had long hair and very short on the crown and i went to college where i studied hair dressing and said i'd need to cut it, but i wouldn't, so i kept it and it spread to where most of the back of my head was about couple of millimetres long and the rest down to shoulders, i then decided to give in and get it cut a bit cut still had the stubbley back and the sides down to bottom of my ear and still white blonde but now the black had turned to ginger from straightening it. Now the snapping had started at the front on one side and i was still trying not to get it cut until my tutor sat me down in the salon an said we're cutting it and dyed it brown. Since then i have learnt my lesson and not bleached my hair since!
Anthony's Story:
I started loosing my hair around age 30, before that i had really long hair, when i started loosing it i started wearing a baseball cap, 10 years later i started shaving it short all over but i looked like a thug so thought i'd try to grow it again on top. To me it looked like it was growing but as usually happens wherever I go a friend knocked off my cap so everyone could see how bald i was getting, and everyone said it looked terrible that i should just shave it all off ..
I guess they were right, but i'd love to win your product so i can see if it helps.
Jacqui's Story:
Back in the 1980s when I was a student in Leeds I was about to go off to work in America for the summer holiday. I desperately needed a haircut but couldn't really afford it.
A friend suggested I went for a cut-price hairdo at a training salon in the city centre so off I trotted for an appointment with a nervous trainee. Boy, did I regret that day. The poor lad was way out of his depth and just started cutting, before I knew it my hair was cut short way above one ear and next thing, the Supervisor arrives and I watched him in the mirror, he was horrified. His first action was to cuff the trainee round the ear (imagine that happening today??!!), then he remembered himself, apologised to me and took over. The only thing he could do was to make the other side match and so I ended up with the oddest and shortest looking haircut ever.
My friends reined in their sniggering as soon as they saw how upset I was but there was nothing for it - I had to go to Minnesota as arranged for the summer. I was aware instantly that people were lingering over looking at my hair, one person piped up to ask if 'Gee, are you one of those Punks?'
Funny now but an awful time, I think my hair went into shock for a few weeks before it started growing again.
Moral of the story - cherish your hair and your hairdresser!
Patrik's Story:
The early years: Patrik is born in the late 60's with only a little fuzz on his head which then became the blonde curls.
Adolescence: The 80´s offered Patrik thick hair that was changing color a number of times
Twenties: Patrik bleached highlights and cut his hair short
By the age of 40: The thickness reduces, the hair becomes thinner and thinner, the horror begins!
Is the future hairless for Patrik? Maybe unless help is found at Mankind & Viviscal with their Hair Growth Program...