It's fair to say that for most of us, mud and cleanliness do not go hand in hand. But here at Mankind, we pride ourselves on our down to earth approach, and we've always got our ear to the ground for the latest skincare trends. Dirty jokes aside, the benefits of mud in skincare can't be understated. Included in a variety of products fulfilling a wide range of purposes, mud can be a critical addition to your grooming and skincare routines. In this post, we cover some surprising ways you can make use of mud in skincare.
8 Surprising ways you can make use of mud in skincare
- In soap bars
- In incredible cleansing products
- To make shaving products
- Shampoos
- In foot creams
- To treat dry skin of the hands
- In face masks
- In moisturisers
1. In Soap
One of the most important properties held by mud as it is found in skincare is that it is absorbent. For this reason, mud soap bars, such as this example from Ahava, are extremely effective for mopping up and dispelling with impurities. If you have oily skin but are sensitive to acidic cleansers and body washes, soaps formulated with mud are an excellent alternative. The Purifying Mud Soap from Ahava, along with the rest of their range, contains deeply nourishing and protecting Dead Sea Salt Minerals.

The Dead Sea Salt Minerals included in Ahava products are naturally anti-inflammatory.
2. In Cleansers
Similarly products like the Peter Thomas Roth Irish Moor Mud Cleanser makes use of the absorbent properties of mud to make outstanding cleansers which are perfectly suited to both sensitive and oily skin. This particular product makes use of Volcanic Ash and Activated Charcoal as absorbing elements too, to amplify the ability to cleanse impurities from the pores.
3. To make your shave a breeze
The Kaolin and Bentonite Clay present in the Espa Dual-Action Shavemud are deeply cleansing and conditioning, perfectly prepping the skin and facial hair for shaving. Its Shea Butter and Sweet Almond Oil function have emollient properties, meaning the Shavemud protects the skin and creates an incredibly smooth shave.
4. In Shampoo
The cleansing properties of mud and the protective and nourishing properties of Dead Sea Minerals not only apply to the skin of the face and body, but the scalp too. The Dead Sea Spa Magik Mineral Shampoo is a great example of this. An excellent shampoo which absorbs sebum and dirt from the scalp, while banishing dandruff and nourishing the hair.
5. To treat dry and cracked feet
Dry and cracked feet is a problem which affects many. Those who have attempted to combat this problem by moisturising, however, commonly complain that the greasy feeling this produces is uncomfortable and unpleasant. The absorbent properties of a mud skincare product such as Ahava Mineral Foot Cream makes it a perfect solution to this issue, as the feet of the skin will be moisturised and nourished, without leaving a greasy residue.
6. In hand creams
In much the same way, the Dead Sea Spa Magik Hand Cream makes use of mud, salt, and mineral extract from the Dead Sea to hydrate hands which are suffering from dryness and cracking, without leaving a greasy residue.
7. To make incredible face masks
You may be more familiar with this application of mud in skincare. Its ability to absorb, draw out, and dispel with impurities makes mud the perfect ingredient to make up a face mask. Face masks such as the Antipodes Halo Skin Brightening Facial Mud Mask can be used once or twice a week to penetrate deeply into pores and combat the buildup of sebum and dirt.
8. To moisturise and hydrate
The soothing, revitalising and nourishing properties of the Mud and Dead Sea Minerals used by the Dead Sea Spa Magik Rich Moisturiser make it ideal for use as a lightweight daily moisturiser.
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