We all sweat, it’s a fact of life. Sweating is the body’s natural reaction to overheating, where we produce liquid to cool ourselves down. Some of us produce more than others, and unfortunately for many it can lead to body odour, excessive underarm dampness, and the dreaded pit stain. For these reasons we have put together our guide to the best deodorant for men, no matter what lifestyle you lead.
What is the most effective men’s deodorant?
There are so many different types of deodorant available it can be hard to find the most effective, we now have access to sticks, sprays, roll-ons, creams and more. To make it easier for you to decide which is the best for you, we have tested a range of the different types of deodorants in order to determine which is the most effective for a variety of lifestyles.
Which deodorant is best for odour?
When it comes to odour we like to tackle it with two approaches: Mask, or Prevent, and it really comes down to personal preference and which works best for you. We recommended trying a scented deodorant for a few weeks, and then switching to an anti-antiperspirant which prevents sweat build up rather than using a scent to mask it.
Is stick or spray deodorant better?
Choosing between stick and spray deodorant again depends on your preference because they are usually both equally effective. For someone travelling a lot, or wanting regular top-ups at work, a stick would be the better option because it’s easier to use when you’re out and about, and you can be subtle about it. On the other hand if you’re in and out of the gym a lot or doing a lot of sports, we would probably recommend a spray so you can quickly cover your whole body after a workout.
10 Best Deodorants for Men
What is the Best Deodorant for Men?
Thanks for reading and be sure to view our entire collection of Deodorants here.

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