Hair sprays are a fantastic tool for men to use for a wide range of reasons. If you've been paying attention to the Mankind blog recently, you may have noticed that we've been slowly putting together a comprehensive guide to all types of hair products for men that are currently on the market. So far we've covered pre-stylers, waxes, pomades, and there are plenty more to come. Hair sprays are a divisive product, and often overlooked. Check out this article about the best hair spray for men.

Why you should be using a hair spray
Despite being one of the oldest and heaviest hitting hair products around, bad memories of the late 80s, along with connotations of a certain musical which need not be named, have led the good part of a generation of young men to raise their eyebrows in scorn of hair spray. And while it's true that some bygone looks should never be resurrected (excepting perhaps for fancy dress purposes). to neglect hairspray altogether is to throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater.
Most of the negative attention drawn (and terrible hairstyles it has been responsible for) can be attributed to a misunderstanding about how to properly use it. Rather than being an out and out styling product, hair spray is a fixer, which should be used to glue a hairstyle in place after it has been created using a styling product.
The best hair spray for men

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