At Mankind, we’re firm believers that top quality grooming can be fuss-free. And that’s why we think that the best grooming products are not only designed to make you look and feel your best, but they’re straightforward to use, practical, and convenient. Multi-purpose grooming products epitomise this approach to grooming. Saving you time and effort, while delivering high quality skin care. Multi-purpose products are a godsend when you’re in a rush in the morning, or for saving space in your gym bag or travel case. So we've put together a list of top time saving multi-purpose grooming products to pick up.
1. Jack Black turbo wash energising hair and body cleanser
Combining Eucalyptus and Rosemary, it's safe to say this energising hair and body cleanser from Jack Black is refreshing. 2-in-1 products sometimes carry the risk of doing neither of their jobs particularly well. But this hair and body cleanser is no Jack of all trades - your hair and skin will both feel fantastic after use. A perfect way to start the day, ideal for throwing in the gym bag.
2. Lab Series Skincare for men Pro LS All-In-One
One of the values of buying multi-purpose products is that if you have them handy you know you've got your bases covered. This All-In-One face treatment is soothing, meaning it can be effectively used to reduce irritation from shaving or blemishes. It's hydrating and moisturising, as well as anti-ageing. It's also extremely useful in that it's mattifying. In a pinch, this can be used in place of post-shave treatment, as a moisturiser, or as an anti-ageing serum. It's perfect not only to take with you when travelling, but also to have on hand at work for when your skin needs a boost.
3. Illamasqua Hydra Veil Primer
Primers, quite simply, are a cosmetics item which more men should make use of. A translucent product, it moisturises and evens out the complexion without being detectable. You can check out our guide to the product here, but let's just say this is a handy one to have lying around.
4. Anthony Day Cream SPF 30 New
We've covered the importance of wearing SPF in this article, but to summarise, UV radiation is the top cause of signs of ageing, and you're being exposed to it much more than you might think. For this reason, it's smart to wear SPF year-round. If this sounds like unnecessary fuss for you, then simply swap out your daily moisturiser for one with in-built SPF protection like this Anthony Day Cream SPF 30.
5. Professional Hydre Duo Shampoo and Conditioner
For too many men, quickly shampooing, without replenishing the nutrients that are lost in the process by conditioning, is unfortunately the norm. If this sounds like you, then switching to a combined shampoo and conditioner is an easy solution to the problem.
6. Clinique For Men Face Scrub
The Clinique For Men Face Scrub's main use is as a day-to-day exfoliating product. Sloughing away dead skin and deep lying pollution while unclogging pores, it's an excellent way to get more out of your appearance. But in addition to this, it's also an extremely effective pre-shave treatment. Using the Scrub conditions the hair for shaving, lifting it from the skin, allowing for a smoother shave with less irritation.
7. Evolution Man Conceal and Treat
Concealers are a product that absolutely anyone can benefit from having in reserve. For the moments when you break out at work, or a large unsightly blemish appears before a night out, Evolution Man's Conceal and Treat is especially ideal. Matched to your skin, the concealer will seamlessly blend in and hide what needs hiding. The salicylic acid it is formulated with treats the blemish. If you quickly apply this as soon as you notice a spot, you can think of it as completely taken care of. That's what makes it an ideal 2-in-1 time saving product.
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