When you’re in university, one of the last things you’ll be spending money on is a whole range of expensive skincare. However, there are some products which you’ll need. If you’re strapped for cash and can only afford some bits, make sure that you get these skincare must haves. Perfect for dealing with your skin post-night out as well as reducing the effects of stress on the skin, you’ll be glad you invested in the essentials.
University Skincare Must Haves
Brighten The Eyes
Whether you’ve been partying or up late studying, chances are that you’re going to be sporting dark circles and under-eye bags more times than you can count. A good quality eye cream combined with a men’s concealer will work wonders to brighten the area almost instantly. You’ll be able to fake a good night’s sleep whenever you need to head to those dreaded 9am lectures.
Deal with Blemishes
From hormones and stress to bad diet, a lot of things will be affecting your skin during university. Unfortunately, this usually results in either the occasional spot or clusters of acne. To reduce inflammation and clear your complexion, a blemish treatment should be applied as soon as you notice a spot appearing. You can also invest in the FOREO ESPADA which will leave your skin looking visibly clearer with just one use.
Refresh Your Complexion
If you’re struggling to afford luxury skincare, you can still give your skin a premium treatment once a week with a face mask. Designed to clean, clear, lift and moisturise, they’ll ensure that your skin will look and feel great for a fraction of the cost. You can pick a face mask which is best suited to your individual concerns for a personalised treatment. Just make sure to not overdo it, as you can actually make your skin worse.
Stay Hydrated
No matter what, you’re always going to need a moisturiser. Skin loses moisture every second and without a barrier against elements, it will quickly become dry and dehydrated. Always keep a tube of moisturiser to use after washing your face and before you go to sleep. This will protect your skin from becoming damaged as quickly so you can maintain a soft, hydrated complexion.
What are your university skincare must haves? Let us know on Twitter.