Your grooming routine should consist of skincare, haircare, oral care and bodycare. Most people always do the first three, yet forget about the latter. The skin on the body is exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays, especially in summer, as well as a range of other aggressors. A body exfoliator is a vital step in any bodycare routine, and here’s why.
Why Should You Exfoliate Your Body
Exfoliating the body smoothes the skin, removes dead skin cells, prevents breakouts and visibly decreases the appearance of pigmentation and pores. Not only that, it also helps your skin to better absorb moisturiser applied afterwards. If you like to self-tan, your tan will also apply more evenly, as well as prevent patchiness when fading.
Best Body Exfoliators
Which is your favourite body exfoliator? Let us know over on Twitter: @Mankindcouk