Nutrition has a huge impact on your fitness. Even though you may be tempted to treat yourself to junk food, a healthy smoothie is always a much better option. Packed with fruit, these vitamin-rich drinks are incredibly tasty and perfect paired with a workout. We’ve put together our top 5 smoothie recipes to keep you feeling great.
How Do I Make A Fruit Smoothie?
To make a fruit smoothie, all you need is a blender or food processor and whichever fruits and other ingredients you want to include. Place all of the ingredients into a blender and blitz in short bursts until it is smooth. Pour out into a container and either refrigerate for a refreshing drink later or drink right away. Need some inspiration? Try out our top smoothie recipes below.
Berry Protein Boost
Berries are packed with antioxidants and fiber, which support the immune system and helps to control blood sugar levels. On top of this, the low-fat milk will supply a large amount of protein and carbohydrates, which will help to build and repair muscle tissue.
1 Scoop Vanilla Soy Protein
230ml Low-Fat Milk
½ Frozen Banana
¾ cup Frozen Mixed Berries
Wheat Nutrition Enhancer
Wheat germ and spinach have a plethora of benefits. Rich in folic acid, it aids cell growth and development, great post-workout. It’s also packed with iron, helping to prevent iron deficiency which is incredibly common amongst athletes.
2 cups Spinach
½ cup Plain Yogurt
1 cup Frozen Peaches
½ cup Fresh Banana
½ cup Raw Courgette
2tbsp Wheat Germ
¾ cup Coconut Water
Banana Potassium Support
When working out, you lose a large amount of potassium whilst sweating. Bananas are a great source of potassium, replenishing any lost amounts. The peanut butter will also provide a healthy amount of monounsaturated fats which are good for the heart.
½ cup Plain Yogurt
½ cup Milk
1 Banana
1tbsp Peanut Butter
1 handful Spinach
½ tsp Vanilla
Ginger Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie
Ideally, you want to recover from your workout as quickly as possible. The compounds present in the ginger root act as anti-inflammatories, dramatically speeding up your recovery time. The flaxseed also satisfies hunger, helping to prevent those junk food cravings.
21/2 cup Vanilla Greek Yogurt
1 Pear, Cored
1 cup Coconut Water
½ Inch Fresh Ginger Root
2 cup Baby Spinach Leaves
1tbsp Ground Flaxseed
½ cup Ice Cubes
Kiwi Vitamin Blend
Everyone knows that strong bones are important. One of the best ways to keep them healthy is to load up on calcium. The kale is rich in calcium as well as vitamins A, C and K, helping to give you that healthy glow.
¾ cup Milk
1 cup Kale
½ Peeled Kiwi
½ tbsp Smooth Unsalted Peanut Butter
½ tsp Honey
Have you tried any of our smoothie recipes? Show us over on Twitter and Instagram: @Mankindcouk