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Why Travel Is Good For You

Why Travel Is Good For You
Writer and expert8 years ago
View Vanessa's profile

Going on holiday for a few days or exploring somewhere new for weeks on end is an exciting experience. Not only does it give you a break from your daily routines, it allows you to try new things which you normally wouldn’t get the chance to. Taking time to travel is one of the best things you can do thanks to its long list of benefits. We’ve curated a list of the top reasons why travel is good for you which you can use to justify booking your next trip.

Benefits of Travelling

Creates Memories

As you become older, the things you’re going to remember aren’t going to be the times you sat in over the weekend watching television. The times you’re going to tell stories about are going to be when you experienced something new and exciting. Travelling will create hundreds of memories which you’ll look back on fondly for years to come.

Improves Your Patience

In an ideal world, everything would run smoothly and nothing would ever change or go wrong. However, that rarely happens and often, things don’t go to plan. It’s likely that something will change during travelling such as a delayed flight or missed taxi. When these issues do arise, you’ll soon learn that they’re not the end of the world and things work out in the end. In turn, this improves your overall patience in day to day life.

Increases Creativity

Having a creative mind can seriously help you in many different ways. When you travel, you take a step out of your comfort zone, and this is when ideas start flowing. This newly found creativity can help you to become a better problem solver, increase self-awareness and allow you to be able to better express yourself.

Eases Stress

Taking time out to do your own thing has always been the go-to way to ease stress. Even though this is effective, travelling somewhere new allows you to really escape as opposed to staying home resting. Upon your return home, you’ll notice a lighter mood and dramatically reduced stress levels. Besides, you never really notice what you had until it’s gone.

Allows Relaxation

Similar to how travelling eases stress, relaxation goes hand in hand with it.  There’s something about being able to bask in the sun or walk in unfamiliar territories which really refreshes the mind. No matter what you decide to do, enjoy yourself as much as possible and remember, it’s your choice how you spend your travels.

Boosts Confidence

As mentioned previously, patience improves when travelling as you’re likely to encounter obstacles during your trip. Whilst learning to deal with these issues, your confidence will slowly but surely build. Even if you’re lucky and everything runs smoothly, your confidence will still improve as you visit hotspots. Inspiring views allow you to see the world with a whole new perspective.

Teaches You About Other Cultures

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in your own cultures, forgetting about other exciting cultures and their lifestyles. When you travel, you get to see other people’s daily rituals and begin to appreciate your differences. Whether you’re trying new foods or engaging in unfamiliar entertainment and activities, you’ll learn something new all the time.

Home Becomes Appreciated

After travelling, you’ll appreciate being able to lie in a comfortable, familiar bed and quickly settle back into your comfort zone. However, everything you learnt whilst travelling will help to shape your character and change the way you see your home town as well as how you deal with things. Seeing everything again with fresh eyes will be more exhilarating than you can expect.

Improves Language Skills

You may learn new words and phrases in day to day life, but travel exposes you to other languages which you’ll begin to recognise. You’re unlikely to be able to speak fluently after a short visit somewhere new, but certain parts of the language will be memorable. Not only is it great general knowledge to have, you may find a passion for it and decide to learn more.

Enhances Motivation

It’s common to return home from travelling feeling more motivated than before the journey. All of the stress you’ve released and the time you’ve taken to relax invigorates the mind and body. Using this burst of energy, you may want to try something at home which you learnt on your trip, or test out any newly found skills and knowledge.

What are your favourite reasons to travel? Let us know over on Twitter: @Mankindcouk

Don’t forget to share your travel snaps with us on Instagram too!

Writer and expert
View Vanessa's profile
Creative storyteller. Believer in the power of natural ingredients and cruelty-free formulas. Always puts skincare first for a no-makeup look.