Every year, the clocks spring forward in March and unfortunately, we lose a precious hour of sleep in the morning. This year at 1am on 26th March, clocks need to be changed instantly to 2am, but why? Continue reading to discover the reason behind why the clocks go forward and get some tips for transitioning smoothly in day to day life.
Why Do They Change?
On the last Sunday in March, the clocks go forward 1 hour to mark the beginning of the British summer. This first began in 1916 when The Summer Time Act was passed by parliament. This was designed to ensure that everyone had natural daylight later on in the evenings rather than during the morning whilst asleep. In turn, it was supposed to save resources and money during the 1st World War; as people could rely on daylight until later at night. The clocks don’t fall back again until October and until then, society works off Daylight Savings Time.
Will My Devices Change Automatically?
Phones, tablets and other electronics usually change automatically. If you're unsure, go in to your settings and check that the 'Set Automatically' function is turned on in the 'Date and Time' section. If not, switch it on and get some well-earned shut eye before the clocks spring forward.
How To Transition Smoothly
Often, people feel tired and unmotivated during the first few days of Daylight Savings Time once the clocks go forward. To avoid feeling a dramatic drop in energy, try to get to sleep earlier for the first few nights. This way, when you wake up, you’ll still have slept for the same amount of time. Get some tips on how to go to sleep earlier below:

How to Go to Sleep Earlier
With so many big days approaching, there is a mountain of things to do. Working wears you out so it’s really important to get some shut eye a lot earlier than usual. Check out our top tips to help you to go to sleep earlier!
After you’ve made sure that you’ll be well rested, you need to get everything else back to normal as soon as possible. It may be difficult to settle back into a routine, so our time saving tips will help you to stay on track and avoid running late. Not only that, you’ll also be less likely to forget important things so you can stay as organised as possible.

5 Time Saving Tips
Whether you have a habit of hitting the snooze button several times in the morning or just don’t seem to have enough hours in the day, time saving hacks can make a huge difference. Not only will they make your early mornings a little bit less painful, you’ll also be extra prepared and less likely to forget anything upon leaving the house. Simply introducing one or two of our time saving hacks below into your daily routine will improve your productivity.
How are you planning on transitioning smoothly to Daylight Savings Time? Let us know over on Twitter: @Mankindcouk