Everyone’s favourite moveable feast, the Easter period means many different things to different people. To some, it’s an opportunity to gorge on chocolate eggs and celebrate the coming spring. For many, it’s the most important religious event of the year. And to most adults in full-time employment, it’s a much coveted four-day weekend. If you’re stuck for ideas on what to do this coming Easter period, look no further than the Mankind blog. We’ve plotted out your every move so you can make the most of your Easter Weekend.
What to do this Easter Weekend
Good Friday

If you manage to resist the temptation to get it very wrong on Thursday night, you should be fresh-faced and ready to go on Good Friday. This makes it a perfect opportunity to try something out of the ordinary with friends. Waking to find yourself unconstrained by work, you’re free to let that particular sense of childlike curiosity that working 9 to 5 saps right out of you take hold once more. Why not try axe throwing? Crazy Golf? Indoor trampolining?

Night time
A quiet evening of socialising with friends in a local bar.

Bottomless Brunch
Modern consumer culture often has us asking the question ‘does our gluttony know no bounds?’. The phenomenon of bottomless brunch strongly suggests not. A thoroughly on-trend way to partake in socially acceptable day drinking, the varieties both with bottomless food and bottomless hair-of-the-dog are on offer.

Pub games
Half-stuffed or half-cut, and less than half way through your Easter weekend at that, why not extend the jollities with Saturday afternoon pub games. Pool, darts, or even bowling are a great way to see out the afternoon. Or burn off a few of those excess calories with a brisk game of ping pong.
Early night
With more festivities doubtless to come, take some time on Saturday night to rest, relax, and get the most out of your TV license fee with Match of the Day. Let Gary Lineker's velvety Midlands drawl lull you into a gentle slumber.

Roast Dinner
When traditions are this good, why break them? Cooking a roast dinner, featuring seasonally appropriate lamb, roast potatoes, veg, and all the usual accoutrements is a great way to wile away the afternoon. Alternatively, book to eat out somewhere special.
An evening of fun
With your stomach thoroughly lined, and the looming threat of work kept at bay for another 24 hours, there’s no need to have your usual Sunday night battle with the urge to say Foxtrot Oscar to a 6am start and proceeding with a bender. Pick a bar, club, or otherwise usually illicit Sunday night activity of your choice, and have at it.

Home spa treatment
Easter is all about renewal, and depending on how you spent the latter half of your Sunday evening, you may have woken up on Easter Monday feeling like you need a new head. Whether this applies to you or not, a relaxing home spa day is the perfect way to detox and de-stress before heading into the working week.
Having your supplies at the ready in advance is one way to ensure you needn’t stray too far from your bed, where bright lights, loud noises, and generally being upright threaten to disrupt your sense of wellbeing.
Home cinema marathon
After a long weekend of excitement and excess, what better way to wind down than with a copious amount of junk food and a marathon of your favourite films. Pizza and Potter? Ice cream and Isengard? Tacos and Tatooine? Take your pick.